Look into their eyes you’ll see the tears not come out……..
drying in their hearts
you’ll be able to find
an unbelievable disny….
Light the lamp
One day….
They’ll see us
through the rays of the light
that you lighted today…
At “OSILMO” Facilities for the Autistic children are not sufficient .It is not possible for us to provide services for a lot of autistic children . OSILMO serves all children island wide.Even from point pedro (Jaffna) to dewandra pedro .without caring the race the creed and the caste.
Our aim is to provide accommodation for autistic children by building up a OSILMO Autism
Village and develop autistic children in to normal children.
We autistic children expect to receive,
your Compulsion
your Empathy
your mercy and much more than anything else your acceptance.
Could you fly in your mind one way then you could respond to as a philanthropists.
Asking your support
Demand your support
Requesting your support
Join with us…
If you like to contribute any support to OSILMO please do not hesitate to contact us…
E-mail: osilmo@yahoo.com
Tel: 94 11 2545114,
94 71 4204250,
94 71 430724.
Bank Details
Account Name : Osilmo Special Education & Research Center
for Autistic Children.
Account No: 014210000470
Bank Name: Sampath Bank PLC
Bank Branch: Boralesgamuwa.
Bank Address:
No. 192, Kesbewa Road,
Sri Lanka